Funky Soap Loaf

Funky Soap Loaf look and smell amazing.

Funky Soaps Loaves weight approximately 1.45 kg. You can cut them to at least 12 slices.  The natural fat may help to provide protection, improve skin tone, softness and youth of skin through restructuring oil action.

Additionally, each soap has special properties relating to essential oils and other natural ingredients in them.

Soap slices, sold wrapped in waxed paper with an ingredients label and weigh approximately 115g.

PLEASE NOTE: Our Funky Soap Loaf, hand-made and the colour or design may slightly vary from the pictures shown

-Handmade -Vegan Friendly – Made in The UK

Take a look also to our other departments to see how many different kind of soaps we have. All of them nice as a gift, even to make a gift basket with a few of them.

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